Comments (Personal Impression Only)

only, for girls ok?
I like this name but it also reminds me of Eddie Murphy. But it's a lovely name for a boy and a girl.
It reminds me of a muppet as Teddy Bear or a sweet slim boy with big eyes, big ears, and short curly hair.
Awesome, timeless nickname! All the Eddies I've known are very likeable.
I think Eddie is a cool nickname, and I like it for both genders. Although, if it’s for a boy, it should be for Edward, Edmund, Edgar and Edwin and for girls it should be reserved for Edith and Edna. Other than that, a cool name for a boy and a girl.
My family has called me Eddie my whole life (52 years). My given name is Edward, and I really don't mind people calling me Edward. I mind very much when people see either name in print, and change it to Ed. My name is not Ed, and there's no reason anyone should call me Ed.
I hate it when people call me this. I go by the nickname Ed, but not Eddie, which reminds me of the Ab Fab character who shares my name. I get called this all the time though.
It sounds more like a nickname that a guy with the nowadays rather old-fashioned name Edward could go by up to the age of 15 and start going by Ed once he's older, as the nickname sounds so youthful and boyish. On a girl, the name sounds very masculine, and it makes it seem as if the parents were never particularly eager to have a daughter in the first place and thus take no interest in good feminine names and wish to have a daughter that isn't much of a girl in the mainstream sense. That, or that the girl is such a tomboy that she can't go by her real, feminine name, because she hates all things feminine, like other girls, for instance, and wants to be above all that.
Too limiting as a full first name.
I think this name is awesome; cute, catchy, and easily remembered.
This is a daredevil name. People with this name are always fun.

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