Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think it’s a shame that many people see it today as a clunky, frumpy old granny name. It’s such a beautiful name. I got it as my middle name because it was the name of two of my great-great-grandmothers who both had melodramatic backstories. One of them died of the Spanish Flu right after her husband had come back from the Western Front and her only child was born. The other brought her family to New York City all the the way over from Ukraine to escape Tsar Nicholas II’s antisemitic regime. When I think of the name Edith, I think of my family.
It's cute on a youth and it ages well. A nice name all around.
I love this old-fashioned gem of a name. Edie is such a sweet nickname. It makes me think of a really intelligent girl with dark hair and eyes.
Sounds very graceful and elegant. I like it.
This is one of my favorite names! It sounds so cheerful and happy! I can understand why Edith wouldn't be everyone's style, but I like it. More for me, I guess! I love the combo Edith Rosalind.
This name is at once Victorian and medieval. It’s all things breathless, romantic, flowing, yet serious and dignified. All I can do is love it.
Very Victorian. I love it.
Edith is so pretty--and nickname Edie (ee-dee) is just precious.
I used to think this was an old person name, but now I really like it with a nickname like Eddie I think it would be so cute on a little girl.
Such a soft, pretty name. I know an adult Edith in her 20s who goes by Edie. The name is in use by Catholics, thanks to St Edith Stein.
Just alright! Not that good, not that bad, maybe little bit boring, but still alright!
Worst name ever!
It’s one of those old-fashioned names that are so pretty that they should deserve a comeback.
Such a pretty name, I love it.
Very wealthy and happy sounding. Edie is a sweet nickname.
I think it is a pretty name and it is the name of my sister.
My sister's name is Edith and it was also my great great grandmother's name. I think it is a pretty name so don't hate, appreciate.
Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
When I think of this name I think of Edith from Downtown Abbey, so it does not strike me as an old name.
I think it sounds pretty and should have a comeback.
For those who think of Edith as an elderly woman's name, I honestly disagree. I have a friend with the name, and it gives me the impression that the name Edith belongs to someone who looks like they could be on the cover of Vogue or something. It also reminds me of a gorgeous young maiden.
Mysterious, elegant, wise, and spellbinding. An alluring lady of battle and bewitching queen of the night.
I know it's often considered an old lady name, but I think it's pretty enough to make a comeback (plus, there's Edith from Downton Abbey).
Quite pleasant. I picture an old lady when I think of this name, though. Seems kind of old fashioned, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's ugly. This name is indeed quite timeless as well.
I love the name Edith. It is a proud and dignified name. My husband and I have named our two standard poodles after favorite and famous authors: Edith Wharton and Geoffrey Chaucer.
Edythe was the name of an attorney I worked for many years ago. She was one of the first women to be admitted to the bar in the state of New York, and she was in her late seventies when I was her secretary. She was a real powerhouse, strong, tough, with a great sense of humor. To me, that is what the name Edythe means.
My name is Edith and I'm happy about it!
Love it! Yep it's old lady style but better old lady over trashy. Edith, Ivy, Nell etc... are more beautiful than Aubrey Kennedy and other names with this trashy style.
It reminds me of clementines... I really do like this name, though. Reminds me of a beautiful, sophisticated woman.
My name is Edith and I'm proud of it and my friends call me E.D.
Edith is pretty. Edie is a nice name too, maybe moreso that Edith. I really like older names like Sue or Mary. I love a combo like Susannah Edith.
I started liking my name after I asked my mom why she named me Edith. She said she named me after her best friend in Germany. I thought that was cool. My husband loves it and my kids think it's okay. I am a lawyer now, and many people contact me because of my name. Many have a relative they love named Edith. Also, people say they think it's a very professional sounding name.
My name is Edith, I also used to not like my name, I was named after my paternal grandmother. As I have gotten older I am proud to be named after my her. She was a beautiful woman inside and out. Not everyone has the privilege to be named after someone so wonderful as my Grandmother. I only hope I can be half as good as she was!
Sounds like the name of an old, racist redneck. Perfect, since it was the name of that racist redneck snob Edith Wilson.
I'm currently expecting my fourth and we plan to name her Edith (Edie). I think this name is beautiful, but I have a thing for old names!
My name is Edith and as a teenager, I've only met old ladies with this name in person. I used to hate my name but I've learned to love it. The name has many worthy namesakes, it has the cute nickname Edie, and it's a strong name with a vintage feel. I feel like it's starting to make a comeback along with other "fusty old lady" names such as Hazel, Sylvia, Louisa etc. Where in the past I used to get comments on how old my name sounds, I've had people recently say that my name sounds "refreshing", "pretty in a clunky way", "unique (for my age group)" :)
I love this name. There is a purity to it, makes me think of a sweet little girl from the Victorian era.
I actually don't mind this name, and I can of course picture it on an old lady, but I think it still would suit a little girl well. I like the -ith sound at the end, it reminds me of Lilith, which I like a lot but has some pretty bad reactions/connections, unfortunately.
I hate the name Edith. It makes me think of my grandma, and trust me, that's not a good thought (blasted mean, old woman).
Sounds so stupid. All of it, from beginning to end. Just another grandma's name. It could go well if it were used for a candy bar, an "Edith bar"... Rather than on a person.
I don't much care for this name. It sounds like "eat it."
I think of Edith Wharton and Edie Sedgwick when I hear this name, but I think most people over 25 think of it as a grandmotherly name. I think it's very nice sounding, and Edie is an adorable nickname.
This name is ok. A similar sounding name that is more modern and cute is the name Eden. It has a wonderful meaning too!
I wasn't a fan of this name until recently, probably because of Edith Piaf. I've decided to give this name to a character I'm creating in my theatre class and I think it's great.
I don't think there's anything ugly or old-lady-ish about the name Edith. I think it's pretty and regal, and the nickname Edie is completely adorable.
Although I would never sanely name my child this, I'm giving this name to one of my book characters. It's set in the world of today, but "Edith" spoke to me. I've been sifting through all the names on the website, trying to find the perfect name. And there it was: Edith.
I couldn't stand this name for a really long time, but it grew on me. I think it was from watching All In the Family so much.
Edith makes me think of an old grandmother hobbling around with a walking stick. Not a very nice name for a child!

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