Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love Eithne. Probably like most non-Irish people, I first heard of it as Enya's birth name, and I love Enya so as a result I immediately felt drawn to the name as well, even though I didn't even have a clue for years about how it should be pronounced and guessed it must be something like EETH-nee. :D But I liked how it looked and the mysterious pronunciation only gave it more appeal. I like both the Enya and Ethan pronunciation though the latter makes more sense and seems a LOT more common in Ireland. Perhaps it's just because of Enya, but this name is very distinctly ethereal, otherworldly, very spiritual so to say. I imagine this name being very fit both for someone like a very pious and humble nun from a contemplative order who is all immersed in prayer all the time (there is a St. Eithne actually), or some sort of eccentric hermit psychic and fortuneteller who seems more in touch with the paranormal world than the real one. It's a bit of a pity that it wouldn't work outside of Ireland, the spelling Ethan isn't nearly as evocative, as is usually the case with Anglicised Irish names, and Enya is too tied to the singer.
Beautiful and foreign to me.

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