Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Whimsical name.
Very elegant and stunning. I agree with some of the comments on Aliana, only because of the nn, Allie vs Ellie. Also huge Notebook fans here... adding to the top of our list.
Just an observation. There are tons of positive comments for this Eliana name in all its variants (and I see why) but there is also many mentions of the similar sounding name Aliana/Alianna and preference for the nickname Allie over Ellie, however there are very few comments on that name's actual page for some reason. Both are lovely, but Eliana is the show stopper for me.
Literally every name starting with e is popular now for girls…except Eggletina.
Time and time again I keep coming back to this name. It really made me say wow when I first encountered it. It's simple yet elegant and very pretty. I prefer the minimalist Eliana spelling to the others.
I like Eliana. It strikes me as a charming, flashy and slightly adorable name, but without sounding childish. Many parents try to complicate things when naming their children, choosing names that are too far-fetched or worse, changing the spelling of the name to make it look more modern and unique. For me that is a mistake. I don't like overly common names either, but I think there are names that are original and little used that are not forced or misspelled. Eliana is one of them.
This may be the prettiest name I’ve ever heard. I do agree Aliana is a bit softer sounding.
Beautiful name, but I like the one with two l's better :)
Brimming with elegance! We heard the name Aliana recently and fell in love! They are both beautiful! We’re still undecided, although the nickname Ali or Allie is just so sweet!
Oh my word! Insanely gorgeous and stunning!
I have a good friend, her name is Heliana and she’s gorgeous, this sounds very similar!
This is the highest compliment I’ve ever given a name that I even think it’s better than my plain name.
Adore! With that said El- names are currently insanely popular in Great Britain. In the Top 100 we already have Elsie, Ella, Eleanor, Eliza, Elizabeth, Ellie and I've noticed Eloise, Elowen and Eliana mentioned a lot on name forums lately so it looks as though expectant mums who like El- names but want to avoid very popular names will possibly go with currently less usual El names like Eliana, making them more popular.
Beautiful name with an even more beautiful meaning.
This is so pretty :)
Lovely name. So beautiful.
I just discovered it and it's plain stunning 100%!
My good friend's name. Many people call her Elaina, which bothers her, but I think Eliana is a beautiful name! It's an Italian name meaning "sunrise," according to her.
I love the name Eliana. It's so delicate, & feminine. Plus you can shorten it to a variety of pretty nicknames. Ellie, Ella, Ana.
My sister's name is Eliana, and I think it's so pretty. She goes by Ellie and her middle name is Jayne. Isn't Eliana/Ellie Jayne adorable?
I like this name, as well. It can also be understood as a combination of the names Elizabeth and Anna. It's beautiful, simple, pretty, and classic. I like the meaning of "God has answered" in Hebrew, too.
Very pretty and feminine, soft sounding (:
My first girlfriend was called Eliana... she was the first child (of four) into a Christian family, so it makes sense with the meaning and all. Out of all the girls' names ending in "-iana," I have to say I like this best. It just flows really well, and it works with a lot of surnames.
Eliana - (Eli-Ar-Nah)This is 1 or 2 of the girls names on my list for any future daughters I may have. I love this name!
Nicknames I like are El, Eli, Elsi and Ella.It means something like 'god has answered' I believe?
"My God has answered", how beautiful! And this is a very pretty name and pronounced beautifully. Definitely a name worth considering.
Eliana is the name of my aunt. I've always found the two meanings very interesting and lovely: "sun, light" (Greek, Old French) and "my God has answered" (Hebrew). Absolutely stunning, one of my favorites.
I think it's a very girly and beautiful name. It's sounds like a princess's name.

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