Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Beds are warm and cozy, and Elisabed is a cozy name. Very beautiful, like Kaienat.
I would just stick with the Elizabeth spelling. This is a strange spelling, never seen it before!
I was searching for "Elisabeth" when I saw this. It has a pretty pronunciation but an odd spelling...
Looks odd, but this sure is a pretty name!
This name is beautiful in Georgian. I don't know the uneducated person who compared this gorgeous name to "Elisa's bed" but they're clearly immature and don't understand this name at all. The ratings of this name compared to Elizabeth is shocking, considering they're the same name, but different variations. And the Georgian version was used before the English one. Elisabed sounds melodic and beautiful in Georgian. Stop judging names of different countries as if they were English. The pronunciation: EH-LEE-SAH-BEHD.
Terrible name! Elisabed is so hideous! Worst Georgian name and weird spelling! Just ugly! I strongly disagree with you Anonymous User!

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