Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Elmira Antommarchi was a Colombian poet who published numerous poems. All her poems appear in various anthologies. Elmira's sisters, Hortensia Antommarchi and Dorila Antommarchi, were also published poets.
Elmira Abdrazakova. A famous model and won Miss Russia 2013.
Elmyra Duff, a character in Tiny Toon Adventures.
Elmira is the name of an old residential street in downtown Mobile, Al. I believe it was named after the town in NY as it is parallel to streets Charleston, Augusta, Savannah & Selma (SC, GA, GA & AL respectively) which I think were were developed at the same time. It is also the name of an excellent upcoming "Zombie Panic!" barricade map.
Elmira College is a school in Elmira, New York. The school was founded in 1855. At the college, writer Mark Twain is very well known, for his wife attended the college, and because he lived in the town of Elmira. Today the study that he wrote many of his famous books in sits on the school campus.
Well, I can't really remember now, but the past few months I've been doing a report on Edgar Allen Poe, and I think he had a wife named Elmira. Or an aunt. I just know somewhere in there there was a woman related to him named Elmira and I fell in love with the name.
Elmira is a city in New York.
This is the name of a charater on 'Tiny Toon Adventures' who scares animals.

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