Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is something Else. This is the joke people will make if you name your child this.
I get that this name must feel weird to native English speakers, with it looking the same as the English word Else, but I think in languages where it actually is a name and when it's pronounced the way it should be (so either EL-se or EL-ze I think) it's a really cool name. I like the sound of it, especially pronounced the Scandinavian way with the s. With the z it feels a bit harsh. I guess that in places/languages where Else works it could be a cool alternative to Elsa for those who are like me and love Elsa but don't necessarily love Frozen. Still, despite the fact I like Else, I think Elsa or ELsie or ELise sound better, because even with the s sound Else still feels a bit harsh.
It's pronounced EL-zeh in German. It think it sounds really pretty and elegant. It's a nice name.
If I’m pronouncing this correctly it’s an English word so maybe if you're English, perhaps try a different name like Elsie.
I prefer Elsa, since this is also a word.
I think this is a lovely name, as long as it's not pronounced ELS. But since it isn't, I like it. I would use this for my child if it was short for Elisabeth.
This is an English word, but I'm sure it would work well in non-English speaking Countries.

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