Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My name is Eluned and I'm from South Wales. I prefer my name to be pronounced 'El ee Ned' so for those who then struggle to say my name can call me Ellie for short. My parents always called me 'El in Ed', though, so I get called all variants of the name! Although, many people who've never heard of the name Eluned are keen to learn the full pronunciation and spelling of it (my preferred pronunciation).Unfortunately, with an unusual name came unwanted name calling and nicknames growing up. But I loved having my name called in class and not having to look around to see if the teacher meant the other Eluned!
I am Welsh and my name is Eluned, the correct pronunciation is EL-IN-ED. I have had my name pronounced in various ways, the most common of which are "loon head" "Eileened" "Leened" I especially dislike "loon head" and who can blame me!
As an Eluned in North Wales - the pronunciation my family have always used is El-in-ed and NOT El-ee-ned! Have been called all-sorts over the years - eg: "A-Loon-Head"..."Lynette but with a D" (which they thought were hilarious - NOT!). A proud first language Welsh speaker and I LOVE my name!
If you want the Welsh pronunciation, I know a little of Welsh, and Eluned can basically almost come out like Ellen-et. In Welsh, the U (depending on region,) is like EE or IN, often somewhere between the two sounds. So people are right to mention that the middle sound is technically more "ee" or "in" like than "oo" from "Luna". The N letter following that sound then makes the name come together more like "Ellen". ("Elen" in Wales.) I am pretty sure that you do not repeat the N sound. The D ending is softer like a T, lending to that "ette" feeling. (Hence why Lynette gets derived from Eluned.) Still a D sound though, but softly. Elen-ed, somewhat equal to Ellen-ette. I will say though, that I do also like to say Eluned as El-loo-nehd, with that Luna sound, too; but it is not exactly proper! Both pronunciations are pretty though.
There's one in my family and I've known a few others, who all pronounce it el-IN-ed (in being somewhere between een and in).- another Welshwoman.
To correct the previous people-- the pronunciation is in fact EL-in-ed. (The U is sort of like a short "i".)- A Welshwoman.
Actually, it's pronounced "EL-ee-ned".
Pronounced el-u-NED, but the U is a bit like a French U and the D is quite soft, almost like a T.

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