Comments (Personal Impression Only)

So splendid. Love this spelling.
Such an ugly name, but I like the name Elizabeth.
This name has a bit of a dated feel in Poland, and most Elżbietas I know are 50+ so I think it needs a few more years of rest before becoming more popular again, but I think it still does have a lot of upsides to it. I definitely do like it, even though many Elżbietas I know aren't people with easy characters and even though most of them go by Ela, despite this name has such a huge nickname potential so with its commonness and kind of universality I guess it could be fun if there were more diversity in nickname usage so that each of these many Elżbietas could feel at least a bit more unique and less confused with her other namesakes. I do like the nickname Ela as well, but there are many others, like Elżunia for example, which I hardly ever hear, and it would be so cool if they were used more. I also know that the nickname Ela and how many people use it by default when talking to an Elżbieta discourages a lot of parents who like the full form but not this particular nickname.
I like how Elżbieta is a very classic, feminine name, Biblical and very strong. And I absolutely love its nickname potential, just like I do in case of Elizabeth. It also has that regal feel that Elizabeth does to me.

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