Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'm surprised so many people dislike my name. I've always loved my name, and many of my peers have said the same. Despite this, I understand why people don't name their children Emalee. If you're worried about people getting your child's name wrong, this name is not for you. Growing up, I constantly had to correct my teachers about how my name was spelled and pronounced. In addition, I won't lie: I have occasionally gotten rude comments about my name. However, if you think the spelling of my name is pretty, don't let the comments here discourage you. In the real world, most people don't care about your name as long as it's within reason.
Emilee and Emmalee are the same things. Please...we don't spell Emily like Emaly.
I don't like this spelling. Just use Emily or Emmeline.
Cute and Beautiful! But I think Emahleeigh is better and I hope you prefer it too!
I’m sorry, but I’m not a really big fan of this name. I like Emily and Emilie, but this is quite overly overdone. The spelling is too too modern. If I ever name my daughter this, everyone will spell it Emily or Emelie or something similar. But I can see good in this name. I hate naming book characters/children super popular names. Emalee is just unique in its own way. Although this name is super overdone, at least your daughter will be the only Emalee in her class.
Uh...well...all I can say is...Stick with Emily.
I've seen worse, but seriously?
Emily and Emilie are nice, but this is not. The spelling looks ugly and teen mom-ish. Nobody will spell her name right.
Horrid spelling.
Emmalee over Emalee. Or just stick to Emily.
My name is Emalee and I'm happy it's spelled that way.
Now this is just straight up tacky and juvenile.
My name is Emalee and I LOVE how my mom spelled it.
The first time I saw this name, I really thought it was pronounced Eh-MAHL-ee. Silly me, assuming a name should be pronounced phonetically and not thinking like a tryndy. This is one ugly misspelling of Emily.
Oh my god. No. Just no.
If you want to name your kid Emily but want to be more unique with the spelling, go with Emilie! At least it's a real name!
This is my name and I absolutely hate it. No one ever spells it right, even my family members, and it gets mispronounced most of the time. I don't like the name Emily to begin with, so spelling it wrong doesn't really help. I would not name your child this.
Yuck. Emily isn't that hard to spell, so why spell it Emalee? It also looks like it should be pronounced uh-MALL-ee instead of EH-muh-lee.
If you want to name your kid Emily, name them Emily! It doesn't matter how popular a name is. Using a variant like this to avoid using the name itself is just as bad, if not worse!
It looks unintelligent and immature. At least spell it Emmalee if you like the spelling, as Emma and Lee are names.
I have never seen it spelled this way but people can spell it the way they want. It still comes out the same way.
I like Emily, but Emalee just annoys me. Learn to spell, people.
This spelling makes sense, but it looks strange to me.
Can't these people spell?! At least with Emily, people can spell it, but this just defecates all over a perfectly good name.
It does not matter how a name is spelled. Any name can fit a person and no matter what, it shows how we are all unique.

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