Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Esperanza... a golden ray of sunlight in my mouth. Gracefully pushing on my lips and rolling off the tongue, it carries with it an uplifting essence. True to its meaning, it does indeed exude optimism and anticipation, a promise on the souls of those who bear it. It represents the idea that no matter life's challenges and storms, there is always light illuminating the path ahead. Whether whispered or declared with strength, Esperanza is the belief in tomorrow's potential.
I came across this name while reading "Like Water For Hot Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel, and I fell in love with it immediately! It's such a pretty and elegant name!
A beautiful Spanish name; but when I was growing up, the Hispanic community around me seemed to regard it as being "old-fashioned" (which makes sense, as the peak year for its American popularity was 1929). My first encounter with this name was in one of my childhood (and honestly, current) favorite movies: "The Mask of Zorro." In it, Esperanza de la Vega was the wife of Diego (the original Zorro) and the mother of Elena, who was abducted by the villain Rafael Montero.Others have also mentioned the book "Esperanza Rising," but my main literary association is with Sandra Cisneros' "The House on Mango Street," which we read my freshman year of high school. It's a poignant collection of vignettes, and the main character is Esperanza.
I loved the book Esperanza Rising, I actually still have it in my library. I also like the name Esperanza.
My wife's name is Esperanza and I love it. Like others that have commented it is strong but sexy. She usually goes by Espy which I also love. It's more carefree and cute. From the first day I met her I knew she was special. We now have 3 kids and I still feel an attraction come over me when I hear her's beautiful. I love it.
Gorgeous! I lot more interesting and beautiful than Hope imo.
I love this name! When I was 9 or 10, I read the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan and today it's still one of my favorite books, so I guess this name reminds me of the time I read that book while on a road trip with my mom and I always get a little emotional over that memory. If I ever had a daughter, this would be a nice middle name for her.
I am currently reading the book “Esperanza Rising” and I like it but this name sounds a little weird to me, but I like it at the same time.
Along with the Spanish accent and pronunciation, this name is ugly!
At first, I hated my name since all the kids had jokes about it! Then my Spanish teacher said my name in Spanish and I fell in love with it. I never got a nameplate, now it makes a conversation! They ask me how to pronunce it, and what does it mean! Now that I'm grown, I love my name.
It's ridiculous! She will be teased for life!
Poor child.
This is one heck of a name- in an amazing way. It's gorgeous, sexy, yet classy all at one. It's not tacky or gaudy sounding just because it's from another language, either, and in English it still sounds great and looks good. I love this! :]
I think Esperanza is the most beautiful name on Earth. It is not simple or popular. It is strong and delicate at the same time. I can't describe it but the name is "fiery, spirited, and seductive."
I love this name. It sounds so dramatic and seductive. Like strong feminine perfume. Though they both have the same meaning, Esperanza is so different from Hope. In my opinion, Hope sounds pathetic, but Esperanza? It's a whole different story. It sounds strong, powerful and beautiful.
I love it. If I was to choose a Spanish name, Esperanza would be it. It would be great as a last name. Like, "Carmen Esperanza". I know, I know, pick the most stereotypical Spanish first name ever, right? :P I like it though. Is Esperanza used as a last name?
I heard this name from "The Mask of Zorro" and have liked it ever since. Feminine, but with a strong and deeply lyrical quality to it.
I think this is a beautiful name and the meaning makes me love it even more. I've liked it ever since I heard it in "The Mask of Zorro."
I really love this name. Not to brag, but my name is Esperanza, and I am glad to bear this name.

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