Comments (Personal Impression Only)

You don't have to add a -lyn to everything because, well, you don't have to, but this name is very interesting, I must say.
I don’t really know much about the chemical aspect, but I love Ethelyn. I think it’s so cute along with Ethel and Evelyn.
Very pretty! Much nicer than the mean-looking Evelyn.
Not very attractive and it reminds me of chemicals.
This name will definitely mature well, since it was last used around the 50s. I like it more then Ethel and Evelyn.
Well, at least we know the adding-lyn-to-other-names trend isn't a recent one...
I think the chemical namesake is actually kinda cool. It'd be great for a character.
I actually love this name! It's sort of like a unique twist to the similar name Evelyn. It's also uncommon, which is always a plus.
Hmm, I thought it sounded like a chemical! And it actually does. The name is just plain weird, and Ethel is horrible as well.
Far too much like ethylene, the chemical compound.

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