Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It sounds pretty, but it is pretty cheesy to give someone such a name. Have people who like it as a name just never heard the word being used before? It would be like naming your child Goddess, Godly, Divine or Beautiful. Good meaning, but tacky and pretentious as a name! It's like that one lady who named her kid MettaIV (metaphor). I doubt people like this even have the brains to know the definitions of these words! Maybe they think it's fine because it's not an 'every day' word for them, because of their limited vocabularies!
I once heard of a woman named Ethereal, and she had to change it as an adult because it was so embarrassing!Maybe use an actual name instead, like Ethel, Miriel, Ariel, ect.
I think Ethereal is a gorgeous name. It has an irresistible romantic charm, dressed in melodic grace. It sounds similar to the pleasant Ethel, but differs with a beautiful uniqueness and originality. Overall, I think Ethereal is a wonderful name.

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