Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Eudora Patch is a police officer, and the ex-girlfriend of one of the main characters (Diego), in the first season of "The Umbrella Academy" (2019).
Eudora is a character in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. She is good friends with Charlie Brown's little sister Sally.
This is Tiana's mother's name in the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog.
Eudora Alice Welty was a famous American author from Jackson, Mississippi.
Eudora Addams was Gomez Addams mother on the tv show "The Addams Family".
Mia Farrow plays a character named Eudora in the Woody Allen film "Zelig".
Eudora Welty, the well-loved southern writer from Oxford, Mississippi, bore this name.

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