Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Eugene is the name of my older brother. He lives in another city but whenever he visits us, his family, it is always nice to see our lovable Eugene back from his city life.
I think Eugene is fairly decent, although if I were to be honest, I could not say this would be on my top list of names.
I don't like this name. I much prefer Eugenio.
This name is complete garbage. If you are named "Eugene" please just go by Gene or some other shorter, nicer sounding, better name. This is honestly one of the worst names a person can have. I pretty much barf at the sound of "Eugene".
This name was ruined for me by the annoying Disney character.
This name sounds like that one greedy nerd at school.
Not a terrible name, though.
My husband is called Eugene, he's not one bit girly, a total man's man. He's the furthest thing from a nerd I know.
I assume that "well born" refers to one's ancestry, but would not it be ironic if Eugene was a C-section baby?
I probably just dislike this name because it's always used in popular culture as a name for the annoying nerdy guy, but still. Ick.
This is my brother's name. I think it suits him really well, and it's an excellent name. It sounds cultural and classic, yet friendly and approachable. We call him "Euge" (rhymes with "huge).
I really like this name! I don't know why but it reminds me of someone who is quiet, strong and tall. I'd love to meet a man named Eugene.
I used to live in a city named Eugene, and I can't say I'm a fan of it. It grew more polluted and crowded by the day! If I ever heard someone with this name I would groan.
I always picture a ginger with this name...
I will always associate this name with the nerd from Grease and the klutzy kid from Hey Arnold. Not the worst name in the world, though.
The name Eugene is okay, at least you can get the nickname 'Gene' out of it, which is cool.
I have to admit that I laughed when I found out my tall, muscly P.E. teacher was called Eugene. But now I don't find anything funny about the name. I love the feminine form, Eugenie.
It's not the worst name out there, but it is very old-fashioned. Just in case someone happens to have the name today, it would be funny if they made an album titled Eugenious. The sound of it would be a pretty funny pun. Too bad the music would surely be crap, ha ha.
I like the name Eugene. Although I would use it as a middle name rather than a first name. It makes me think of a mature, smart (not necessarily "nerdy") and brave man.
I think of Eugene as being a smart, intellectual name, but not necessarily nerdy. Personally, I know a Eugene who is big, strong and definitely not nerdy. The name suits him well. I think people are just afraid to use this name today.
I like this name. It reminds me of someone who would be strong and responsible.
Any Eugene I have ever known has been a nerd.
All I can say is euch.

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