Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Eustace Chapuys (born somewhere between 1489 to 1492- Died on 21 January 1556) was a Savorian born emissary who represented the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V, at the royal court of Henry VIII of England between the years of 1529 til his resignation from his ambassadorial post in 1549. Chapuys was a well noted chronicler of the inner happenings of the English royal court during his tenure. Most notable amongst his writings include the descriptions of Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and the monarch's eventual marriage to Anne Boleyn with her subsequent execution for allegations of adultery and treason.
Eustace Akwei was a Ghanaian medical doctor and politician. He was the first Ghanaian to be appointed Chief Medical Officer in the Gold Coast.
Eustace Bagg (Character from the cartoon Courage the Cowardly Dog).
Eustace Bagge is the mean old man from Courage the Cowardly Dog. He comes to mind whenever I think of this ugly name.
Eustace was the son of King Stephen of England and his wife Matilda.
I believe this is Ross Gellar from Friends' middle name. I can't remember why I know that.
Eustace Tilley, the famous drawing on the New Yorker.
There's a small town in Maine called Eustis.
Eustace is a character in "Voyage of the Dawn Treader," "The Silver Chair," and "The Last Battle," three of C.S. Lewis's "Chronicles of Narnia."
"You know you're a Narnia fan when you love and hate the name Eustace Clarence Scrubb at the same time." By the end of Dawn Treader, Eustace becomes a very likeable boy, and you feel sorry for him, having the name he does.

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