Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I LOVE this name for a cat.
Well, the first thing that comes to mind is "useless", so that's not a great thing. The letters look nice together, otherwise. Just the sound of it doesn't work.
I love this name with all of my heart and soul. Never a better name. I would rather sell my child to the hill people and hear her screams with mine own ears than forfeit this name.
Yeah I'm the only one who likes this name.
Anytime I see this name, I think of that old guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog. This is a very ugly name. I wouldn't suggest naming your kid this at all.
A great alternative name to Stacey, at least. If you wouldn't use Eustace, why use Stacey though?
This name makes me burst out laughing. Please don't name your son this.
I don't understand why everyone hates this name, I like it. It has a strong sound to it and reminds me of "Yusuf".
One word: UGLY! I hate this name!
Even before I read the Narnia books, I thought that Eustace was ugly, snobbish, pretentious, Victorian, and dated. I am so glad that no one names their sons Eustace anymore. The foreign forms of this name are much nicer, but most weird saint names don't work in English.
I would feel terribly sorry for any young teenage boy named Eustace.
Very old-fashioned and ugly.
Eustace does not sound like a strong name but, rather, makes me think of a cowardly person. Eustace was also a character on the cartoon "Courage the Cowardly Dog".
After reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I think of someone named Eustace (God forgive me for thinking this) as a real assh*le. Uh, yeah.
I think it's rather unpleasant-sounding. In the words of C. S. Lewis, "There once was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it."

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