Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This cracked me up. I'm a late 20's person born with the name Fallon. It absolutely tickles me to see these comments. I was born a girl and my experiences closely resemble everyone else's. From the referencing of Fallon, Nevada and Jimmy Fallon, to the ridiculous and just plain uncreative teasing nicknames (I can't believe Falcon and 'fall on' and felony are shared experiences with us Fallons!), the comments vacillating between 'what a pretty and unique name for a little girl!' to 'what a strange masculine name for a girl'! To all of us few hundred Fallons out there, I hope you're all living up to your names :0) be a leader.
Personally I like the name, just don’t call your daughter Fallon Angel.
Unique! It's nice to see a lovely name that starts from F (because my name starts from F as well lol). It sounds so strong.
If someone had this as a first-name, people would ask "Who are you named after? Jimmy Fallon!?".
The name Fallon is so pretty in my opinion, this name sounds so modern but also classy at the same time. If you're thinking about naming your daughter Fallon, I would put this name into deep consideration! Fallon is just such a beautiful name and your daughter will likely be the only one named Fallon in her class!
Ufff, I wish I liked this name, really, but there is something that does not convince me. Let's see, it's not because of Jimmy Fallon, at least in my case, but because I'm Spanish and it reminds me a lot of the word "falo", which means phallus in English and is synonymous with penis. I'm sorry, but I can't help but remember the word.
It sounds too spoiled to me. Ugh.
I feel like I should like this name, but just not keen. I unfortunately can’t escape the fact that it’s only a space away from “fall on”.
My name is Fallon, I’m a woman in her early thirties and it took me quite awhile to come around to my name but now I think it really suits me- I’m grateful for Jimmy Fallon because now I have someone to reference when before people would be completely flabbergasted upon hearing my name. Introductions can be unusually longer/awkward on average as even foreign people will openly question the authenticity of my name but as I said before- the name suits me now. I’ve had similar issues as one of the other users commenting where people try to interpret my name as a more mainstream name such as Valerie or Falcon (that one is just weird and you can insist that it sounds too similar all you want but you’re adding an extra letter and sound that wasn’t there before so I disagree). The one that always catches me off guard though is Dawn, often on the phone people will somehow interpret my name as Dawn. Also I personally enjoy the gender fluidity that comes with the name, I see it as an advantage. I live in Texas, by the way and don’t see this as a name that should be restricted to a particular region.
The name Fallon does not sound feminine, I have known three Fallons who are now in their 20s and tend to go by pseudonyms. I would avoid this name today because it is strongly associated with Jimmy Fallon in the U.S. It may be more suitable for somebody living in the U.K.
I don't really like this name. Reminds me of the word "falcon". I especially don't like it on a girl.
There are only two upsides to being a seventeen year old white girl named Fallon:
A) I never get confused with any other girls my age
B) anything is possible when you could go for both male or female online. Anything.
26 year old female named Fallon here. I never gave my name much thought until my teenage years when I started to recognize that it is actually quite a rare name to have. Everyone I meet tells me I am the only Fallon they have ever met, or that besides it being a town in Nevada, and the surname of a talk show host, they weren’t aware it was even a name.
For some reason people have a hard time understanding my name on the phone. They think I’m saying Vallin, Valerie (how they hear this I have no idea), Allen, or Sally (what the heck). I actually had to ask my employer if I could please stop using my first name when greeting on the phone.
I also never use my first name at Starbucks or at any fast food place where they ask your name. I got tired of spelling it for people and explaining what it means to everyone who asks. I use my middle name which is Marie, easy. So I guess overall I do not fancy my name. Supposedly it came from O’Fallamhain the surname, shortened down. In the English language Fallon doesn’t make sense. It should be spelled Fallyn. It is of Celtic origin so naturally the spelling is a bit odd to us English speakers.
My name is Fallon (a female of Scottish descent), and I've only ever had positive reviews of my name. Some people have a difficult time pronouncing it (I've had people call me "Felon"), but they usually catch on fairly quickly. My name is Gaelic for "leader," which, combined with my surname (Hardie: "a brave and extravagant clan"), makes my name the ultimate powerhouse. Fallon was popularized in the 1980s, thanks to the soap opera "Dynasty." However, there are very few people named Fallon, which makes the name unique and subsequently gives it a sophisticated appeal.
My name is Fallon Peacock. My name came from my grandmother’s maiden name. My parents never had another name picked out for me. Either way it was going to be Fallon girl or boy. I’ve only ever met one Fallon, but she spells it Fallone. I love my name, it’s super unique along with my last name. Being different is good and I’ve never once not liked my name.
I am a 36 year old FEMALE named after the character ‘Falon’ on the soap opera Dynasty in the 80’s. I have met several other ‘Falon/Fallon’s’ and they are ALL female - this is absolutely NOT a man’s name. This name has plagued me my entire life and I can’t stand it. I have taken to going by the phonetic short-form ‘Lynn’ as a last resort. I have been called everything from ‘Falcon’ to ‘Valerie’, made fun of in school; I was called ‘Falcon’ by my teachers on the first day of school every year, and every substitute teacher I’ve ever had (followed by giggles by classmates). Now my last name is ‘James’ and so, I am constantly called ‘James’ instead of ‘Falon’. I understand my parents thought it was ‘the most beautiful name they ever heard’ and I love them for that, and harbour no resentment about their choosing it for me, but it has been hell to live with. People usually think I am a man because they reverse my first and last names constantly. I am frequently referred to as ‘Mr. Falon’ and it drives me NUTS! If you are considering naming a baby girl this, I sincerely ask you to reconsider. Perhaps as a middle name, but as a first name it has brought me nothing but torment. People tend to tell me that they love my name, but they didn’t grow up with it. It is no fun to grow up with.
Hey everyone commenting it’s a boy name, I am very, very much a female and a feminine one at that and my name, I can assure you, sounds super feminine when directing me. I understand you may feel it sounds masculine and you have every right to your opinion however it really sucks seeing people saying it would never be a girl's name. It is and I personally love my name.
Boy name.
I've always been confused about this name but now I have decided that it is not my cup of tea. It has an ugly sound similar to the Italian words for heel or traitor. It doesn't seem feminine at all. I prefer other Irish masculine names.
Makes me think of the word 'Fallen' and I think it's better as a surname.
This would top my list of names I can't stand. It just sounds ugly to me.
I am an Irish female by the name of Fallon (pronounced as 'falyn') and have only ever met other females with Fallon as their name, but have heard of men with it as their name, middle name or surname/ last name.
My name is Fallon and I am a girl that has turned a certain teenage number. I personally prefer my name be spelled Fallon rather than Falcon or Fallen and sometimes I even get called Vallen, and I tend to get angry with the fact. People can spell so many difficult names and yet they have to ask if they spell mine right? But nonetheless, I love my name no matter how it is spelled.
I love the name Fallon, but it kind of reminds me of Jimmy Fallon.
I really like this name. It makes me think of Fallon Carrington Colby. Based on that reference, I see it as more of a girl's name. I cannot picture it on a boy.
I have a 14 year old daughter named Fallon. I decided upon this name in 2000. It sounded solid and strong. Unwavering. Those who think it's too masculine... really? Say the name a few times. Really hear yourself say it. Does it sound masculine after having said it a handful of times? I wouldn't think so. I suppose that's just one person's opinion. It's a soft name. Give this name to a male, and it won't register as being strong. IMHO.
I agree 100% with others claiming this name to sound masculine and I can say the name over and over again for YEARS and I'd still prefer this name on a boy. It's awful on a girl. The fact that this page has it labeled as solely 'feminine' is ludicrous! Whoever did this name page must have been either half-asleep or intoxicated. I can easily pictured it a boy but never for a girl.
I never heard of Fallon being feminine or solely feminine. If I never heard the name previously before and someone asked me which gender does "Fallon" belong to, I would think of a male without a hesitation. I don't see Fallon usable on a female. Nothing to do with it ending in a consonant or any other. I hear Fallon and it screams boy to me. Everything from the sound and the spelling is all male. I'm sorry but it really is. Being the one with the name, doesn't make a name now feminine or now masculine.This page of this name should at LEAST be labeled as unisex.
Fallon on a girl?!?
Big fat no. I do not see Fallon usable on agirl one bitFallon: male. Male. Male.
I know someone with this name but she spells it Fallin. I like it better that way, it looks more feminine.
No offence to anyone named Fallon, but it makes me think of "phallus", "fallen", "felony" and "fall on."
For some reason, it reminds me of "fallopian", as in "fallopian tubes".
A very beautiful and strong boys' name. I'm considering using it.
Funny how there's such a divide about whether this is a feminine or masculine name. I don't find it the least bit feminine, myself. For some reason it makes me think of a big, sweet, shaggy-haired boy. Definitely not a girl.
(And I don't think it sounds too much like "felon," at least not in my American accent.)
I had always thought this name was pronounced Fah-len, actually. Whoops! Even so, I still love this name, it's so pretty. It reminds me of a rebellious, spunky sort of girl. I'm using it in a story right now.
Fall on.
I think it sounds masculine.
I don't know why, I just like this name. Maybe because of its meaning? I don't know, but it's different.
Miss Fallon the felon tripped only to fall on a fella's phallus. Icky icky icky name.
The first words that come to mind are 'phallus' and 'phallic'. Also souds a bit like 'felon', even though there's a difference between 'e' and 'a'. This woulld sound crappy on girls and women alike.
I think Fallon is a very cool name for a BOY. I don't understand why everyone thinks it's a girly name.
This name is so feminine to me. I can't imagine a poor little boy with this name.
I don't think one name could be more distasteful. Anyone know what a felon is? Secondary to that, it's a bit phallic.
I wet myself when I say it out loud. Sounds like "felon" which I would expect most of you Fallon lovers would know the meaning of. It's not used on girls in Ireland.Sounds like it would belong to a strapping bloke.
I knew a girl named Fallon. But I think she spelled it Fallhon. Either way, it's a great name.
Fallon definitely sounds like a girly name to me. I considered it for a son but it just doesn't sound right.
I love this name, and I see as more of a masculine name than a feminine name, I would defiantly use this name for a son. It's different but not too unique, and it's not used that much as far as I know.
I personally don't think Fallon sounds good for a girl or boy. It just sounds like a last name to me.
I think it sounds great as a masculine, as well as feminine, name.
There's something about this name that is sophisticated yet soft. There's something "different" about the name Fallon. I like it.
I don't find this feminine in the least, but nevertheless, I like it a lot. I think Fallon and Tatum would be a great sister-set!
When I hear the name Fallon I immediately think girl. Very feminine name, also I too only have known girls with this name.

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