Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Usually associated with strong & balanced masculine energy.
I am of the personal belief and opinion that certain names carry a significant amount of gravitas when spoken of, Ferdinand would be one of them. On paper it appears, formal, regal and serious. Visual aesthetics that I find relatively pleasing. As of a final note, unlike its equally handsome cousin from the Spanish speaking world, Fernando, this name is not so readily common in the English speaking world as one comment attested to a few posts below.
I AM FERDINAND VON AEGIR /refSomebody else (person of culture) already made the reference but whatever.
If you understand it I love you.
I really don't like this name. It feels pretentious and childish at the same time. Fernando is far better and has a similar meaning.
Love it! So handsome.
Classic and timeless. It's just too common.
Despite that it's a little ridiculous, I really do love this name. It's very handsome and uncommon. I probably will never end up using it, but again, I love it.
I don't care for this name. It has the unfortunate association with the Spanish king who expelled the Jews and Muslims from Spain. It also sounds old-fashioned and quite pretentious, even though it sounds better in other languages.
It doesn't sound like an old guy at all to me. I've liked it for a few years now, and I've always thought it sounded like an adventurer (probably because of Magellan). And I love The Tempest!
I don't like this name at all. It reminds me of an ornery old man who has hair growing out of his ears.
This is such a STUPID, UGLY name! To think that Fernando, the most beautiful name ever, is the Spanish form of Ferdinand!

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