Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Whoever back there said that this name is a stereotype dog name, you are so right! When I think of this name, I think of some rich person’s pampered and snooty poodle.
Only for a pet.
Cute name for a poodle and a person.
Sweet name for a pet! ^.~ But for a human, I think it would only fit a little girl.
Cute! Can't it also be a diminutive for Fiona or Fionn?
Yes! A perfect nickname for a little girl named Fiona or Fionn. And it could go up until your old ages as well. (In my opinion)
A snobby poodle's name.
I think this name as a full name is just ridiculous, but as some sweet nickname for some other name, why not, it's nice, but not as full name.
My name is Sofia, but I'm in a class with so many other Sophia/Sofia/Sophie's that I go by Fifi, I think it's so cute lol.
Immature and ugly.
Fine as a nickname or for a pet, but not as a legal name.
Plain childish. Not even good for your poodle.
I don't think this is a good nickname. It suits cats much better.
My name is Sophia, but lots of people use this nickname for me. Especially my family members, because my nickname in Chinese is "Fei-Fei" which translates into Fifi. It can get a little embarrassing though if someone at school or something calls you Fifi because then everyone starts calling you that and I prefer Sophia. It's still better than Sophie though.
I think this is an adorable name for a little girl, and this is my cousin's nickname (her real name is Hafizah).
A supple name for a snobby Frenchwoman who wears a beret and shops only at Coco Chanel.
I hate this nickname. (No one in France would actually name their daughter Fifi.) This name sounds like the name of a stuck-up French stereotype you'd see on a British or American TV show.
Personally, I have always viewed "Fifi" as a direct insult to one's intelligence (whether or not it was originally intended); terribly undermining. It receives the same ratings as gifting your child the name (or nickname) of "Froufrou," from me.That being said... I have a cousin by the name of "Sophia" who answers to it (as she cannot stand "Sophie.") Various family members and friends summon her by it, but I stand firmly in using her actual forename.
When I was a little girl, I had a neighborhood friend whose nickname was Fifi. (The Lord only knows why, since her given name was Elizabeth.) Despite this pleasant early association, I can only see Fifi now as a name for a pet, a drag queen, or a sex worker. (Or maybe a clown?)
My niece, 3 years old, is named Sophia. She gave herself the nickname Fifi when she started talking. At first I thought it sounded a little silly and funny, but especially since my daughter, also 3, took right to calling her that, we do all the time, so it sounds normal to me now.
A good name for a cat, but terrible for a human.
Sounds like a good name for a poodle.
My daughter is named Philippa, and somehow she became known as Fifi. I'm not sure how this came about. It wasn't planned this way. I think I started calling her "Fifi" affectionately when she was very small, because neither I nor my husband liked the nickname "Phil". Fifi (my 16 year old) doesn't mind the name, and actually prefers it to "Philippa", which I think is beautiful. Objectively, I agree, though, that the name sounds cutesy and infantile. But it's not strictly a name for animals!
This is the kind of name you give to a spoiled lapdog, not your child.
Utterly silly and immature, even as a nickname. There is no way any woman named Fifi could be taken seriously. People would think she's ditzy simply for not changing her ridiculous name.
Given the general reaction from most people towards this name, needless to say this isn't my favorite pet form of Josephine.
It's a good name for a pet. For a human? I don't think so.
This is cute as a nickname for Josephine, but not cute as its own name.
Consider your child's future. Please.
Fifi - ugh! It's the sort of name people give fluffly little lapdogs that look like rats.

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