Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It looks very masculine to me. I really like it.
Handsome! And, if you have a girl, name her Fiona (just beware the Shrek associations)!
As a male Irish name it doesn't sound like the most masculine name but it has great history and meaning behind it - I wouldn't use it but a traditional middle name may make it sound better - E.g, Fionn James, Fionn Michael etc.
I love this spelling.
Fionn is a perfect masculine form for Fiona. I think people assume lots of masculine forms of feminine names are still feminine but if you want to use Fionn for a girl, I suggest following it up with a feminine middle name because Fionn is traditionally masculine. As for Fiona, the middle name wouldn’t matter,
Unless, of course, you didn't want your new son to have a spelling the same as some actor who overdosed whose TV character was spelled "Finn". Ugh.
The namesake just makes the name, he became all-wise after eating an enchanted SALMON? AWESOME!
I don't know HOW this name could seem feminine, I mean it's spelt Fionn, but pronounced Finn.
I love this name, especially for a boy. I'd use it as a middle name.
To me, this has always seemed a very feminine name. Maybe it's too much like Fiona.

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