Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Flavia. My mother was searching for a girl's name in a book of Baby Names, and this one jumped out at her and she just loved it. I disliked and was embarrassed by my name as a child and young adolescent, and came to appreciate it more as an adult. Throughout my life my name has been generally favorably received, and I get many compliments on it. My family has Italian heritage, and I am American born and raised. We have always pronounced it the Italian way and in two syllables: Flah-vya. I do not like when people at times pronounce it Flay-vee-uh.
Sounds like flan 🍮.
Exotic, but nicely displayed. I like this name.
First came across this name in my Latin book in 1980s (Ecce Romani) and thought it a lovely name. Never had a daughter (only one son) so no occasion to consider using it.
It's my name. Is very common in Brazil and really very exotic in USA. But I'm happy to see that there are people outside Brazil who consider Flavia a beautiful name. And I agree that the name Flavia seems to be the name of a red-haired and freckled woman. But unfortunately, I don't have natural red hair...
Ugly name. It just sounds like someome saying 'Flavor' but in a ridiculous way or with a deep accent like Russian.
Its like Anorld Swatszeneger saying the word.
It's a beautiful name! I really love this name.
Though Flavia means yellow, it seems like a total redhead name to me. I picture gorgeous red or auburn-haired women from a Pre-Raphaelite paintings. I like Flavia a lot. It's a very beautiful name, and it has this Victorian elegance and strength to it, which I can't help but admire.

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