Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Not a huge fan of F names, but this is pretty nice.
Lol awesome!
Sheesh! This name is pretty and cute I can't believe you all think it's weird, trashy and strange!
I think Floella is a very pretty nickname, too flimsy and meaningless to be full name, but still cute.
This name has no meaning! It's just Flo with -ella at the end! :(
Sounds like ''flow-Ella'', which is a pretty weird association. The name does rather sound like a form of bacteria. It's not pretty at all, and it sounds quite trashy.
Floella sounds like a type of bacteria.
It does sound like the name of a bacteria.
I agree with scarletquillraven! This is a ridiculous name! No offense to those named this, but. This name is far too strange.
I think it's ridiculous! Sounds like a poodle to me.

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