Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is just blah. Same with Lloyd.
I love love love the name Floyd. To me it sounds strong, masculine, wise and fresh. Not overused or boring like so many other names nowadays.
Strongly dislike. Not hate, just =.
It's okay, but I wouldn't use it on anybody.
All I can think of is Pink Floyd. Other than that, the name isn't that attractive.
Well, I am called Floyd, I used to dislike it when I was younger, but now I don't mind it so much, nickname's are Flod, Pinkie, (For Obvious Reasons) Floydie or Doydie for kids etc, is there anyone out there who would actually like to be named this? The only other thing in my life I have ever met personally called Floyd was actually a dog of my friends' cousin (German shepherd if you are Interested).
Sounds like a girl name even though it’s a guy name. Lloyd sounds better. Wouldn’t mind if this became a unisex name.
Reminds me of Pink Floyd. Better than Lloyd.
I like it because of Pink Floyd, which is the best band ever.
That contemptuous scumbag Floyd Mayweather has ruined everything about this name for me.
I absolutely adore the name Floyd. ^_^ It's handsome and cute and sadly so underappreciated! :(
I don't think there's anything ugly or nerdy about this name. It's different and kind of cool. In fact, the Floyd I knew was a very cool person. Lloyd is okay but Floyd is better!
I actually like this form much better then Lloyd. It's more interesting somehow, even if I didn't like Pink Floyd. Speaking of which, it's also the name of one of the muppets.
I kind of like this name, even though it's old-fashioned and the ''flo'' sound in it is so common in feminine names. I strongly prefer Lloyd, but this isn't a horrible name. This was the name of the cat of the editor of the teletext service Spit It Out on MTV Europe's teletext pages back in the day, so the name always makes me think of cats, though! I guess this name sounds like something Pink Floyd fans (like the editor) would choose for their son or pet.
Bleh. I dislike this name a lot, although I don't mind Lloyd so much.
I think it's stupid and nerdy.

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