Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Terrible name, especially because it's a car that was invented by the vile anti-Semite Henry Ford.
This is not my favourite name in the world, but it's definitely nicer sounding than a Paisleigh or a Zayden. The only possible downside is the lack of nicknames. But the car association is not THAT bad as far as associations go.
Reminds me of the car brand.
I met a little girl named Ford, but it was hyphenated Ford- and a common, strictly feminine name.
Good name.
This name only makes me think of Henry Ford, who, along with making trucks was also a notorious anti-semite. It's not an association to be proud of in my book.
Only good as a surname.
I like it as a surname (Like Gerald Ford, Henry Ford, Harrison Ford, Tom Ford, Betty Ford) but I can't see it as a first name. Also, there was a character in Hitchhiker's Guide called Ford Prefect.
Not a terrible name. Just makes a very bland first name. In my opinion, Ford works best left as strictly a surname.
Tolerable as a surname. As a first or middle name basis, it doesn't even SOUND like a name. If I met someone named "Ford" I'd honestly assume that was their last name or nickname.
This is a surname, it is too dull to be used as a first name.
I met a guy named Ford and I could never look at him without thinking about a car.
I think this name sounds kind of cool but I wouldn't name a kid this because of the car association.
I recently met a little boy with the name "Ford." I kept thinking of a "Ford" car or truck. I just couldn't get past that image. It's not a name I would use for a child.
I hate this name because it makes me think of that racist industrialist Henry Ford.
I hate this as a first name. The car makes it a rather tacky name to use today, but it has surely sounded a bit pretentious for a long time.

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