Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very fun name.
It's more like the wheel of "Fortune". I really like that name and it's really cool to use it for any gender.
Ridiculous and ugly.
In a weird way, I think it's cute. Maybe as a middle name.
I quite like this, but as a masculine name. I'd definitely use this for a character, but not one of my own children.
To me, this sounds more masculine, but either way it's a nice name, though I wouldn't use it, but I can see why people would, though I guess some people would think it a bit trashy, but I'm not like that.
While names like Fortunata are rather pretty, these "word names" in English sound stripper-y.
I guess I'm of the minority that likes this name.
Sorry, but this is an extremely unbearable name in my opinion. (no offense!)
Sorry but I don't like this as a name. It doesn't have a nice sound in my opinion. I've heard worse, however.
This would be quite an ironic name on an unfortunate woman. It sounds like a corny and ugly name to have.

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