Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I named my daughter Francine. I have wonderful memories of the Francie Doll who was Barbie's cousin, I think. Gidget is also a Francine, whose parents called her Francie and Gidget. Some of my daughter's friends call her Frannie, which I don't love. I do love, however, that we know of no other Francine or Francie.
Perfect and mature!
I love it! Francine is a feminine and classic name, but it also sounds strong and mature. I love the nickname Francis, even though I know it is a unisex name. I had a friend named Francisca and I called her Francis. It should be used more, I hope that in a few years the name will gain a little more popularity, because it deserves it.
Sounds kind of snobby.
This name comes off as snobbish and annoying.
A total "mean girl" name. It doesn't help that it actually rhymes with "mean." And it also has a harsh sound to it. Not a good choice.
A sweet, feminine name that rolls off the tongue nicely and isn't overused. It also sounds good on all age groups. You can't go wrong with Francine.
Love it. Sounds beautiful and elegant.
Classy and underused, Francine manages to be both strong and elegant. It works easily in English-speaking countries whilst retaining the whiff of the European. An unusual alternative to Frances, Francesca or Françoise, it travels well: the late Princess Francine of Montenegro was born in Morocco.
This is a nice name, I can picture a cute little girl with it, but one of the characters on the children's TV program 'Arthur' is named Francine, so I would never name my daughter Francine. Also, I feel like it would be more accepted if you were European.
This name is sweet and spunky.
I'm going to give this name to my daughter because it sounds so sophisticated and isn't being overused. This name also is flexible because it can be shortened to Fran. Most people in my families, including myself, have sophisticated or/and rare names so I gotta pass it on!

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