Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Freddie Mercury is a good namesake.
It's way better as a nickname rather than a legal name.
No. Just think of Freddy Krueger.
I love Freddie just as a nickname of Frederick. Which is a handsome name for a boy. Classy but unusual.
Even though I like Fredric better, Freddie Mercury is enough to make me love this name.
Pretty great as a nickname, and might work well as a full first name too. You can't really go wrong with this one.
My dad and his new wife are expecting a little girl and they're gonna name her this! I think it's absolutely adorable! It's a little edgy and unique but also super cute.
I love this name, mainly because of it's ties to a God. Freddie Mercury was the best musician in the history of the universe, better than Mozart or Beethoven, or anyone who is "supposedly" a legend. Freddie Mercury is the real legend! And AIDS didn't kill him; Pure, epic power simply devoured his body.
I love the name for a baby girl as a nickname for Frederica or Freda.
I must say, I find this name to be utterly enticing. It's probably to do with the incredible vocal talent of Freddie Mercury, I think.It's a very sweet nickname, but as somebody's full given name, I couldn't be too sure.
I love this name. The spelling is not overused, and Freddie Mercury was one of the world's best musicians ever in my opinion.
I am strangely attracted to this name, and I'm sure it's not just because of Freddie Mercury (though that's a positive connotation to me). It sounds like a good name for a fox (I think in animal terms). Very very green-sounding.
This name is becoming very popular, all the Freddies I know seem to be such great characters, a lovely outstanding name for a little boy.

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