Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I much prefer Frida, it looks better. Also, it doesn't remind me of Fried chicken in English.
It's not my favorite, and I would never use it.
I like this spelling so much more than Frida. Frieda just looks way more complete and friendly to me.
What can I say? Absolutely beautiful! Can also mean peaceful ruler and noble woman. This could make a lovely girls name in the future!
I detest this name to the end. For one, the first five letters, FRIED, makes me think of greasy chicken and French fries (I'm well aware that it's not pronounced the same way. But it is spelled the same way). My 7th grade teacher's name was Frieda. It suited her; she was 60. I can't imagine using it in the current time. It seems awkward.
My name is Frieda (short for Friederike), I used to hate it because I thought it's a name for an old lady, but I've grown to like it because it's not very common and I like both the Nordic and the Yiddish meaning.

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