Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Fu but with a d on the end is pronounced “FOOD” :))
Love this name.
It's not English! You guys are so immature tbhFu is a beautiful name!
Just add a c and a k to the end, and see what you got. Trust me, it isn't pretty.
Lol imagine the teacher asking Fu to read his name out loud Fu will say “f u” LOL.
Fu would probably only work as a middle name. And even then, it might be smart to avoid naming your child this because it is spelled 'F-U', and I assume you know what that means. However, it's still a nice name, despite the alternate meanings.
What? That's an awful name! People would pronounce it incorrectly like EFF-YOO. Not the way it is supposed to be pronounced.
Uh, No I don't think they would. Let's pretend your name is Lia. Would people pronounce your name Ell-Eye-Aye? No they wouldn't, they wouldn't; I'm sure people know to pronounce each letter sound of the word. Or at least that was what I thought they taught in kindergraden.
My cousin is adopting a little girl from China and this is her middle name in Chinese. I love it!
Chinese People don't have middle names. Both the first part of their name as well as the second part are their first name. I know, I'm Chinese.

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