Comments (Usage Only)

My name is Gaye and the problem isn't being teased for the name Gaye. The biggest insult that people with my name come across is being called Gail/Gayle.
The teasing does hurt but it can really reveal a lot about the person teasing.
Being called Gayle however, is like being slapped and then spat at in the face. Gaye and Gayle are two separate names. Gaye (a French name) isn't really short for anything and if it is, it is usually Gabrielle. Gayle (a Hebrew name) on the other hand is short for Abigail.
It would be a bit like calling a girl with the name Jan, Jane.
If you come across someone with the name Gaye and you are tempted to call her Gayle JUST DON'T! You would be safer to call her Joy, Amanda, Michelle etc. PS having said this I really do appreciate it when people get my name right.

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