Comments (Usage Only)

Ginny and Ginnie could be nicknames.
Also Romansh:
Source: "Vornamen in der Schweiz. Prénoms en Suisse. I nomi in Svizzera. Prenoms in Svizra" (1993) published by the Association of Swiss registrars
Georgina is also Polish. The name day for Georgina in Poland is February 15.
Allegedly also used in Polish:
Also used in Hungary: [noted -ed]
Also Catalan:
The name Georgina was given to 86 girls born in the US in 2016.
The name Georgina was given to 128 girls born in the US in 2015.
Georgina (GHE-or-ghee-na) is also used in Hungarian. Györgyi is very old fashioned, it's easily confused with Gyöngyi (=pearl), and Györgyike sounds ridiculous on an adult.
This name is relatively popular in the UK, but quite rare nowadays in the US. This is probably because George and its other feminine variants are much more popular across the pond. In 2012, 113 American baby girls were named Georgina.
Georgina is also the Slovak form.
Well it is also a Serbian name, but rare - so I like it because of that. The flower Dahlia is called Georgina also.
The name Georgina also exists in Catalan.
It is also Portuguese.

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