Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Greer Barnes is a comedian who has been featured on Comedy Central Presents.
Greer is a town in South Carolina that straddles the county lines between Greenville and Spartanburg.
It makes me think of Greer Childers from that 80's workout show, "Body Flex".
Germaine Greer (born 29 January 1939 is a famous Australian born Feminist Author. She is also an accomplished academic, journalist and scholar of early modern English literature. Germaine Greer is widely regarded as one of the most significant feminist voices of the later 20th century. She wrote the controversial "Female Eunuch" in 1970 which caused a great deal of controversy at the time.
Brooke Shields' youngest daughter is named Grier Hammond Henchy. I always preferred the "Greer" spelling because of Greer Garson, and the football player/actor from the 1970's, Roosevelt "Rosey" Grier.
Greer Grimsley, a famous young bass-baritone, most admired as Wotan and Dutchman.
My husband says he immediately thinks of Germaine Greer when he hears this name, and thus does not like it. Drat.
Kelsey Grammar has a daughter named Greer. :)
Whoa, it's odd that you mentioned Kelsey Grammer's daughter. I went to elementary school with Greer and, although we're in different high schools, still talk with her a lot. So, I guess I know a somewhat important bearer of the name. :) By the way, her surname is spelled with an e: Grammer.
A famous bearer is actress Greer Garson (1908-1996).

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