Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Gualtiero De Angelis (November 22, 1899 – June 6, 1980) was an Italian actor and voice actor. He was best known for dubbing James Stewart in the Italian language releases of nearly all of his films. He has also dubbed over Italian actors such as Vittorio Gassman, Luciano Tajoli and Pietro Germi.
Gualtiero Piccinini (born 1970) is an Italian–American philosopher known for his work on the nature of mind and computation as well as on how to integrate psychology and neuroscience. He is a professor in the Philosophy Department and the Center for Neurodynamics at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, United States.
Gualtiero Calboli (born 3 January 1932) is an Italian classicist and linguist. He is Emeritus Chair of Latin Language and Literature at the University of Bologna, in Italy. He was appointed to a chair in 1973. From 1982 to 2000 he was head of the Department of Classical and Medieval Philology. He is the editor of the major series "Papers on Grammar" (Bologna, CLUEB, then Rome, Herder, 1980–2008) and has edited editions of Marco Porcius Cato and Cornificius.
Gualtiero Marchesi (1930–2017) was an Italian chef, considered to be the founder of modern Italian cuisine.

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