Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think Gussie is a sweet name, it was the name of me and my friend group's newest friend, Gussie was a very nice woman who wasn't afraid to speak her mind, it's a tragedy she was murdered :(
I think Gussie is a good nickname for Augusta and Augustina, and a good name on its own, it's kind of like Bobbie and Robbie where there's a very male name with an "ie" at the end to make it more feminine sounding. I think Gussie's a great name, thanks for reading :)
I think the comments for Gussie are quite harsh. Anyways, this is a super cute name! :) I believe the gender for Gussie on this site should be listed as BOTH Feminine and Masculine, not just Feminine! Gussie can be a nickname for the male names August and Augustus.
This is an ugly nickname. It sounds too masculine to be a girl's name.
Hahahahaha! I seriously feel sorry for whoever is named "Gussie". Sounds like a bloody COW's name!
I don't even like the name Augusta, but this nickname is truly hideous and old-fashioned. It also has a rather immature sound to it despite coming off as grandmotherly.
Cute name - either for a little, tomboyish girl, or a pet.

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