Comments (Usage Only)

It’s a shame that this name has been slated on here. Very sad that people find everything offensive these days.
I don't know. I wouldn't name my child this, but it's all about context. If a word starts being used in a positive way, its negative meaning fades away eventually. I remember a time when "queer" was a very negative term for gay people, or people seen as otherwise "not normal" by bigots. It was taken back and used by the LGBT community and it's no longer a negative. That's important, I think, that the context in which words are used can change.Recently, I've seen a news article where a young girl was banned from Facebook for having this name. Her mother named her "Gypsy" because it meant "wanderer." I don't think she saw anything else in it. The girl has a life-limiting condition and had to travel a lot for treatments. I just thought it was pretty sad that a child was singled out for her name.

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