Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It seems pretentious and narcissistic to use a revered and feared god's name on your own snotmouth sons...
Reading too many Hades/Persephone retellings has me really liking Hades. It's a strong sounding name.
Better than Hayden.
Hades is too associated with Greek mythology.
The underworld and hell are two different dimensions. Satan and Hades are two different things. Hades is a God the devil is a demon.
I think Hades is an AWESOME name, but if I were to have a son I would never name him Hades.
I like the name Hades but I wouldn't use it as a first name. However, I love it as a nickname for Hadrian.
I like the name Hades. Sometimes he was called Pluto and he lived in Hades, or the other way around. He was said to be mean. But really, compared to Zeus, who chained his wife in the sky when she got annoyed with him, Hades doesn't seem that bad.
Hades has a cool meaning but it doesn't necessarily relate to the underworld seeing all dead would go to Hades domain when they died and only the bad would be punished. So, when you think about it Hades isn't all that bad of a name. Though in mythology he was said to be quite a mean fellow.
Hades has quite a cool meaning, but who wants a name that is synonymous with hell?

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