Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hala appears in the shadows and gently touches the heart... the ambrosial nectar of the gods, it's as if all the beauty in the world has been distilled into a single name. Like a fragrant orchard in full bloom under the moonlight, it not only graces the lips but lingers as a memory in the heart. It is in and of itself the frailty of a serendipitous moment. It is a sweet birdsong to the unparalleled loveliness which paints itself around the moon on clear, starry nights.
Beautiful, beautiful name. ❤️ Very pretty meaning.
Hala is nice, but sounds too much like challah. I think Hila, which is just the Hebrew variant, takes away that problem, though. Great meaning, too!
Personally I like the spelling Hallah more, but it's such a nice name with a pretty meaning either way!
Love this name! My best friend has this name and it fits her so well. She is loving, kind and humble. I've never met anyone else with her name.
My name is Hala and I love my name. It was the name of hazarat khadija sister, but a few muslims know it.
Hala is a unique name and it has to suit the baby. I think when you look at your baby you'll know what suits her best. The name Hala suits babies that are shy, pretty, funny, unique and elegant.
Nice name!
I think the name Hala is the best name ever made.
I think this name is sort of a different take on the "ara" names like mine, Dara, or Sarah, Tara. I think this name Hala is so simple and elegant and sweet for an Arabic girl with great meaning. I have to decide if I want to name my first daughter (If I have a girl) Farrah or Hala, this will be difficult. If you live in the US, this name should be very easy for Americans to pronounce, yet unique enough.
I like Hala, but I would rather it be a nickname than a person's given name. It feels short.
This name reminds me of "Hala Madrid!", the sentence Real Madrid's fans use. In Croatian it also means "a hall", so, I don't think I would use it. It is a nice name nonetheless, and other people are free to use it.
I love Hala! I think the meaning is enchantingly beautiful. ♥

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