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Halia 1
Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Means "briny" in Greek. In Greek mythology she was the personification of sea salt, a sea nymph native to the Isle of Rhodes (sometimes believed to be one of the indigenous Rhodian gods) and the favourite of Poseidon. Her six sons forbade Aphrodite from landing on their island, and in retaliation Aphrodite drove them into such madness that they raped their own mother. Halia committed suicide by throwing herself into the sea, and the Rhodians believed that she was reincarnated as the goddess Leucothea ("white goddess"), whom they worshipped with great honour.
Added 1/20/2007 by anonymous
Edited 12/14/2018 by Evil and SeaHorse15

See Also

User submissions Hali'a, Halia