Comments (Personal Impression Only)

As a foreigner to Japanese culture and language, I find this name adorable. It's funny though, because back when I was around 10 years old I used to make a LOT of French/Japanese anime-like characters, and my favorite character I have today I gave the name Hanako because it's cute. I would either pull names out of my memory from media/games, or pick a random one I liked the sound of. Now that I'm older though I realize that the name is- strange, and when creating characters I often do far more research into names that aren't from my native language. I am not going to change Hanako's name though especially since my story is insignificant to those who aren't English, but take this as a lesson to be careful of what names you give your characters with cultures that are not your own!
It's very pretty on a girl too.
I actually really like the name! But the toilet ghost urban legend is enough to make me never want to use it.
Flower child!
Lovely Japanese name.
I love this name for a girl. I love its sound.However, the girl in the toilet story is very unsettling, so...I probably wouldn't use it. I do wish that there wasn't that story, because I really love this name. P.S., don't try to summon Hanako, if you try you're an idiot that deserves what comes for you.

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