Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I will always love the name Hank. It's strong & masculine. It's old, classic making a comeback. It's handsome. It's short but packs a punch. I just love it & I love the nickname Hanky.
Am I the only one here who thinks that this is a great name?
My grandson is named Hank, we call him Mr. Hank. He is a beautiful boy with a beautiful mother and father. It is a manly name and suits him. He is not ugly nor is his name. His name is a strong masculine name not a hillbilly name. It means Ruler of the House.
Sounds more like a nickname, rather than a proper first name. I can't hear either "John" nor "Henry" in this name.It may not seem a big deal when you're with your friends, but seems quite awkward when filling out personal forms.
Very unattractive.
If anyone wants to name their kid Hank, go right ahead. Just know that some people might not like it. When I hear this name, I think of someone in a western movie.
Sounds redneck-ish to me.
The name is very manly and cool, and sounds like a man who is focused, tough, and charming.Yes Hank is an awesome name and not too common, the fact that everyone on here hates it makes me want it even more.
Makes me think of Tom Hanks!
I absolutely love the name Hank! I will someday name my son Hank. Nickname him H. Lol. I love the name Hank, I love the classically old feel of the name. I find it a strong yet cute name for a little boy.
This is an ugly name. Anyone that tells you they love this name when you say you are naming your child Hank, is lying to your face and laughing behind your back. It's hideous.
The fact that this hideous name is currently trending just boggles my mind. Hank is dated as well and does not suit a modern-day child. Henry is far better and that's stating the obvious.
Everyone else is saying it and I must agree adamantly with them. Hank is a dated and ugly name that gives off strong redneck or hillbilly vibes. It doesn't at all work for a modern child and will make people think of "Hanky-panky"Just stick with Henry!
I'm sorry but I find Hank to be a bland name, it sounds so redneck and it's too old fashioned for a baby boy. I absolutely loathe this name.
Hank is an extremely dated name, for me. As in, more dated than Gary. I can't imagine a young kid going by Hank today - he'd much more likely just be called Henry.
Henry "Hank" Aaron! Love Hank. Great guy name!
I do not like this name for the following reasons: 1. It just doesn't sound nice; 2. The phrase "hanky-panky," like Slight Night Shiver said; 3. Hankies, or as some would say, tissues. Altogether, no thanks!
One of the most hideous names ever. It makes me picture a fat, balding redneck. Plus, it makes me think about the annoying expression 'hanky-panky'.
I would not name my kid Hank. It just sounds like hillbilly trash to me. I'm sorry, but that's what it just reminds me of.

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