Comments (Personal Impression Only)

In a world where bonds are woven by connections, Hiram is the key to a realm where fraternity is elevated to a celestial art. This handsome, old-fashioned name carries a subtle incantation which bridges hearts in ways mystical and profound. Dreams shimmer like iridescent potions, and the bonds of brotherhood are threaded together by velvet-red and gold. The name invites us to trust in the extraordinary alchemy of brotherly love, where each shared secret and experience is woven into the fabric of the universe. Hiram is a symbol of the miraculous, eternal bond between kindred souls. (Really, it's a shame that it fell out of use. It's neither ugly nor pretentious -- it is simply an unseen magic.)
This would be a very refined and elegant name for a son. Let's bring this back! I want to see Hiram in the top 1000 boy names next year.
Old-fashioned but refined and sweet.
Old fashioned.
My husband and I absolutely love the name Hiram! We named our boy Hiram after my great grandfather and we get nothing but compliments over his name. We pronounce it Hi-rum or Hi for short. It’s a strong yet rare name that is from the Bible. We couldn’t be more pleased.
This is not a good name. I’m friends with a kid named Hiram. He’s really unpopular, and it might have to do with his name. Great kid, though. Just goes to show the name doesn’t always make the person.
I forgot about this name! It sounds really 1800's, but I like it. It's really unique, and it reminds me of the name Silas for some reason. I pronounce it high-ram or high-rim.
It sounds quite pompous and pretentious, and it's like someone saying ''Hi, ram'' or ''high ram''. I never did like the sound of it.
My friend named her son Dayton Charles Hiram. I think it's an okay middle name, but not a good first name.

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