Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Why is there such an issue with the name being associated with Homer Simpson? I don't really see any problem with it. I have a friend called Homer and he hasn't ever received any bullying for being named after him. This is a great name with undeserved hate because of a TV show!
Homer are you Home?
"I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T, I am so smart!"
I'm kidding, I actually love this name.
I actually like it a lot :)
Not as popular as people know it.
Sure, this name is heavily associated with Homer Simpson, but it's not a bad name at all.
Boring, and reminds me of a silly, dumb lazy man, like Homer Simpson.
This is the name of my Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, so it naturally carries a wonderful connotation. It is wise, gentrified, and oh-so-much-better than the dreaded Aiden/Bayden/Cayden, etc. group of boys coming of age now. I would consider giving this name to my child, knowing that he has a namesake with much more prestige and history than just Homer Simpson.
I think Homer is a beautiful, classy and intelligent name. It makes me think of a learned scholar (because of the Iliad/Odyssey association) or an honest farmer (like my great-grandfather). Another thing that helps is that was the name of Mickey Rooney's character in "The Human Comedy". Lovely yet underused name.
What a wonderful name! I feel embarrassed for those who associate this name first and foremost with a cartoon character - they're really only showing their ignorance.
"I feel embarrassed for those who associate it with the cartoon character. They're only showing their own ignorance." This is the FUNNIEST comment on this site. Not being super into Ancient Greek poetry is an intellectual crime I guess? You don't have to know anything about Homer to be an educated person. There are snobs obsessed with classic figures like him, who are completely ignorant of modern culture and issues.Can you really look down at someone for thinking of a ridiculously famous television show, that's on TV all the time and has ads and merchandise plastered everywhere? Are you really gonna name a kid Homer, and then have him explain to his kindergarten class that they're all uneducated idiots for thinking of a modern cultural landmark instead of an ancient poet their parents learned about once in high school? You're free to love the original Homer, and to use this name in his honor. But don't think yourself superior to everyone because you personally like reading that kind of stuff.
I feel soooo sorry for any child that is named this horrible name. (sorry if this offends people.) I mean, come on! I know it's just a typical thing to say, but it's true: Homer Simpson is a great example of what the name Homer sounds like: lazy and sloppy. I've never even seen the Simpsons but I think that Homer is a bad name for any boy or man. And if your name is Homer, I'm sorry if you had to go through anything like being called names or something like that. I would call you like Homes or something funny like that. I don't think I would ever call you Homer. Sorry!
This name makes me think of Homer Simpson. I can picture Homer Simpson sleeping on the couch in his underwear. Not very flattering.
As long as people watch the Simpsons, using this name for your poor son is stupid. As long as commercial hip hop is glorified, the nickname Homie is bad. And without the character Homer Simpson, this name would simply be pompous and pretentious.
How this is rated 'unintellectual' is beyond me, has no one heard of 'The Odyssey' or 'The Iliad'?

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