Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is another name that is too heavily associated with literature, and will hence attract negative attention.
I have no idea what the literature association is. However, I dislike this name because of its close relation to annoying words like "bah-humbug" and "humble." It also sounds really old.
I've only heard this name on the character Humbert Humbert from Lolita, and I can definitely understand why this name hasn't been used since. This name will always be associated with that story, because that story is old, and it has clearly stood the test of time, as people still read it, and there will surely be more movies made of it. Plus, sexually premature girls will surely be called Lolitas for a long time to come, which is another reason why the story sticks around. Besides, this is a very old-fashioned, rather geeky, and somewhat elitist name.
Please don't name your child Humbert. It's far too associated with pedophilia.

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