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This name can also be a Feminine name in other countries, making this name Unisex.
This name can be a shortened form of Iliana other countries. It can also be a short form of Cecilia, Emilia and other names ending in -Ilia. It can also be a diminutive of Amelia or a possible variant of Aaliyah. 1981, this name briefly spiked in the popularity for girls with 43 girls with the name Ilia in 1980 according to the USA Social Security Administration. Since the 1990s, it has been occasionally given been a feminine name in the USA and other English-speaking countries and in several other countries like Brazil. a side note, This is also the name of a famous beauty brand of various makeup products.The user-submitted name:
Also Albanian:
Also one of the transcriptions of Belarusian Ілья. You'll find various bearers on social media. [noted -ed]
I named my daughter Ilia back in 2013. I think it's pretty, and rarely used.
Ilia is also the modern form of Elijah in Georgia, and it is quite common there.In Georgian, Ilia is written as: ილია. [noted -ed]Known bearers of this name were Georgian mathematician Ilia Vekua (1907-1977) and Ilia Chavchavadze (1837–1907), a Georgian writer, poet and journalist.
The name Ilia is also used in Albania and Greece (Ilias). It's a religious name (Christian Orthodox), associated (derivated) with (from) Elijah.

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