Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Isabela can be pronounced e-Sah-Bella or isa-belle-ah.
This is a pretty way to spell Isabella!
Isabela is one of those names that has a timeless beauty about it in the Spanish speaking world that adds to its rich history and vintage. A lovely name all around.
This is my name. When I was a child, mid 2000's, my parents used to call me Bela and it stuck until I hit my early teens. From then on I insisted on being referred to by my full name. The only issues that I have faced would be the constant spelling of my name with double Ls instead of one. Lol. Oh well, it is no big of a deal. Anyway, overall I think my name is a good name that I hold near and dear to my heart. :)
I absolutely adore this name although my mom and dad are not big fans of it. When I do eventually get married someday and have a daughter I might try and convince my future husband on using it. ;)
I personally think Isabela is a very pretty name that does sound elegant from my point of view without being extravagant as other variations I have heard over the years.
Very harsh sounding.
I really dislike due to personal associations- very dated as well.
I greatly prefer this spelling to any other.
This is such a pretty name. Definitely one that I shall add to my list of possible girl names for a future daughter I may have. :)
I love this name and as a Spanish speaker this name would suit my future daughter who will be born sometime this late
June or early July. My dw likes it as well and we both have relatives in Spain, which will make it easier for them to pronounce, a lot better than the way more popular version known as Isabella.
This spelling makes more sense then Isabella in Spanish, because the double L sound in Spanish is pronounced with sort of a Y sound. Horse (caballo) is said as ca-bye-yo, for example. Isabella pronounced as Is-A-Beh-Yuh sounds less pretty then Isabela for me. Isabela looks a bit better then Isabella to me and seems less trendy despite a one letter difference.
Looks strange spelled with one L.

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