Comments (Meaning / History Only)

I saw this on the page for Juda and figured it could also relate to Jada: derived from Arabic جاد (Jada) "to be excellent".
Though I am sure many parents who have chosen Jada think of it as a variation on "Jade", its origin is different. Jada Pinkett Smith was named after soap opera star Jada Rowland, and Ms. Rowland was named by her jazz fan father after the song "Ja-Da" with its line "Ja-Da Ja-Da Jing Jing Jing". Ms. Rowland therefore rhymed her name with "Prada". However, she wasn't quite famous enough to have radio or TV announcers who knew how her name was pronounced mention her often, and most of her fans, including Ms. Pinkett Smith's mother, assumed Jada rhymed with "Ada" when they saw it on the credits of "The Secret Storm", the show which made Ms. Rowland famous. So the name goes back to jazz nonsense syllables.

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