Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't think this name will ever go out of style. It's a classic name with a powerful meaning and it's good for any man to have. I don't see it as a ghetto name at all. It comes from the Middle East. I honestly would gave my son a name like this.
Y’all are mad racist on this website.Anyways, Jamal is a nice name.
This name has an ugly and harsh sound to it. Yes, it is Arabic in origin, but here in the USA it is definitely a black name. And it isn't considered an upper class black name, but low class and "hood" instead.
I like the name, to be fair it is my name. I am not a drug dealer, that has a lot of kids. Quite the opposite, I was in the ARMY for 12 years, then went on to work at NASA for five years. I currently own an investment firm. Me (I) and my one wife have 2 kids and 7 years of marriage. My name has opened more doors for me than it has shut. The only ones that did not like my name did not like my skin, but that does not stop them from wanting me to teach them about investments.
Extremely common amongst African descent people. I don't mind this name but I can't picture a Caucasian (which includes me) named this at all. Jamal is an decent name but works well for darker-skinned people.
I may be white, but it's a nice name.
Ironically, there was a boy in my grade school class named Jamal, and he was UGLY (sorry).
I don't care if it's popular with black people. I love its meaning and the way it sounds is wonderful!
I like this name, but most people now think of it as a ghetto name as opposed to an Arabic name since it's been popular with black people.

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