Comments (Personal Impression Only)

'Janna' sounds like a hick form of 'Jenna.'
I had a teacher once whose name was Janna Rae. I think it's pretty. Easygoing pronunciation. Gives off good vibes :)
The name 'Janna' is very unique and pretty sounding. I picture someone with this name being tall, strong, blond, intelligent and popular. This is a lovely special name that portrays a happy, lovely, kind woman.
My Name is Janna, and it's not that bad of a name, at the same time I am only 14 so I don't really know if it's a bad name. I wish my name was something cool, like a Japanese name, because those names are cool.
One of my friends is named Janna. I always thought it was a variation of Jenna. Interesting. (Of course, it still could be a weird spelling of Jenna, I suppose.)
I have a friend whose name is Janna. It suits her perfectly. I personally really love the name.
I don't like the pronunciations of the name Janna in Dutch or English. The name itself is somewhat uncommon/unique; but the pronunciation in English sounds too much like a whine (ex: "WAHHHH!") and the dutch pronunciation sounds too much like "yawn."
My name just happens to be Jana. I LOVE it! I am also 32 years old and still LOVE it! I know maybe 3-4 other women with this name all a couple years older. I also think it flows nice too! Now my middle name yuck!
The English pronunciation of this name is harsh and ugly, and the name sounds rather tacky and borderline trashy in English. I'm a Finn, and I've known a Finnish girl by this name, but the name hasn't exactly caught on over here, while it doesn't sound foreign or weird here either. However, it sounds very youthful. I can't easily imagine a 35-year-old woman named Janna.

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