Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love it with the Y in there!
Some of you are haters lol, I have never had anyone tell me my name was unattractive they love the spelling but I do get mistaken for Ja-day JD and Jaydey occasionally.
It looks as if it was masculine and decided to drop off the ‘n’ off Jayden.
What’s wrong with Jade?
They had to go and ruin Jade too?
I absolutely love this name and would consider naming a daughter Jayde. Some other comments are saying they don't like this name because it's spelled weird but the thing I like about it is that it's unique. Sure it's strange but I definitely wouldn't name a kid something basic like Emily or Jessica.
This spelling makes it look like the name has two syllables! Letters aren't just stuck in names wily-nilly to look cool.
Same level as Jayne and Jaymes. Sticking a “Y” on perfectly good names make the name tacky.
The spelling looks weird to me and I'm pretty sure it'll get misspelled all the time. Stick with Jade.
I'll stick with Jade, thank you. Jayde looks obnoxiously trendy, illiterate and would presumably often get mispronounced as 'Jay-dee' or some other.
Jade is the best spelling. Please stick with that!
Jade is a word. You can't misspell a word.
I think it is a beautiful name! I sounds so sweet, peaceful, and kind. I think I might name my first girl Jayde! I think it would be a beautiful middle name, also.
I know someone who spells it Jaide. I actually prefer that spelling. It's a lot more femenine.
I personally think Jayde is a very pretty and is great for a second name!
It may have a sweet meaning but it's not a cute name for any human, it's trashy.

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